Smoking and Blood Vessels

Although Erectile Dysfunction can be due to a variety of factors, it has been proven that smoking can greatly affect the progression and development of ED. Erections function and depend on reliable blood flow. However, nicotine is also known as a vasoconstrictor, which is a chemical that reduces blood flow throughout the body. Due to a lessened body flow through the body, less blood is able to get to the penis thus causing a direct correlation between smoking and erectile dysfunction.

In the U.S. today, about 14% of males over the age of 18 regularly smoke cigarettes. That’s over 34 million men in the country alone. Although this number has decreased over time, it is especially concerning because, even with a proper functioning nervous system, an erection might not be possible if the blood vessels are not healthy due to smoking. Smoking can cause erectile dysfunction in both younger and older men, making it a major risk regardless of age.

As more nicotine products are put out on the market and younger users are getting their hands on them, it is a rising concern on how to determine the health effects that these products will have on the users, compared to traditional cigarettes. The popularity of “juuling” amongst younger generations is causing chaos in the health community. Because of juul’s sleek style and electric function, young adults and teens believe this habit is healthier or safer than traditional smoking. However, one juul pod contains nearly the same amount of nicotine as 20 cigarettes and still contains the same chemicals and health risks. Unfortunately, 63% of juul users didn’t even know that the pods contained nicotine at all. If you are someone who Juul’s it is important you discuss this with your doctor before the chance for complications arise.

Getting Help

The earlier you come to terms with your erectile dysfunction, the sooner you can find the solution. Corewave Therapy is a new and exciting solution that can lead to a healthier, stronger and more satisfying erection through low-intensity shockwave therapy.

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommends the following steps to help you quit smoking.

  1. Make a list of the reasons why you want to quit smoking and if any earlier attempts were unsuccessful.
  2. Pay attention to your own smoking triggers
  3. Get support from family and friends
  4. Talk to your doctor
  5. Find alternatives to smoking such as activities like exercise or hobbies to keep your mind busy